#Titus2TidBits💎 When was the last time you did a spiritual inventory… Checking your self via self examination.. really sitting down and taking a look at what you have been Feeding your inner and how it reflects your outer!

🗣Truly taking time to examine while on this journey what you have picked up and mixed up.. is spoiled or expired.. (#Message) now once you get that list together looking at each one by one and tackling them thru repentance or restoration or maybe you have to completely remove that trait or habit or whatever it is that has plagued your spirit that causes you to act out, have an attitude, lash out physical, or even shut down. Ecclesiastes 3 is clear beloveds.. there’s a time for everything.. now discern which time it is, now that’s hard! Take a deep breath and pray, fast scripture says some strongholds have to be faster away (Isaiah 58, Psalm 69:10). Don’t be afraid to rely on The Most High more fully for strength when you fast to change. While fasting and prayer can help alleviate some stresses of conforming to change… BUT by combining a steady time of prayer, fasting AND practice LISTENING for HIS instructions to remove those “ailments” to become better as a daughter, wife, mother, sister..... this is how you win sis!! Keep going and don’t let anyone or thing stop you from being better💗