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#MorningBrew☕️💪🏾 we forgive to be forgiven...

Writer's picture: #DontDeleteMeSis#DontDeleteMeSis

#MorningBrew☕️💪🏾 we forgive to be forgiven...which means the forgiveness of one another is meant to comfort you... because 99.99% of the time, the other party haven’t a clue OR refuses to acknowledge their wrong.. 🤔Sounds familiar? But that doesn’t mean YOU don’t forgive. Forgiveness means you have chosen to act in righteousness instead of Acting from emotion by holding on to the hurt! Let that go ASAP, the act is forgiveness is mainly for you anyways 💗

It’s like this: ❤️ 1 JOHN 4:19, that’s how much we are loved by The Most High! …yet we still chose to sin..Daniel 9:5‼️ some sins we have not even repented for.. some we haven’t even acknowledged to The Most High.. yet HE still forgives and loves: 1 Peter 4:8.. follow that, forgive and let it go! #ChooseWisely



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